Cigar Waiters and Waitresses for large weddings and corporate Florida events,
best with guest lists over 500 

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to Custom cigar bands designed free of charge with cigar servers handing them to you guests for an added flair

Cigar Server or Waitress pictured with cigar rollerCigar label samples of graphic design talentCustom cigar bands designed with logos for corporate eventsWedding cigar labels are a demand for Brides-to-Be

Palm Beach is one of the more discerning and demanding clients for cigars and cigar events compared to the rest of South Florida as the venues and guests expect the best in their lifestyle.

Cigar roller phone for Palm Beach and Florida events

Palm Beach, West Palm Beach and Palm Island are all locations that are regularly serviced by CF Dominicana cigars with cigar rollers, cigar servers and custom cigar bands. All areaas include; Palm Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Pompano, Deerfield, PGA Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Aventura, Miami, Bal Harbor, Sunny Isles, Wellington, the Acreage, Stuart, Jenson Beach, the Villages, Singer Island, Lake Worth, Jupiter, Port St. Lucie, Daytona Beach, Boynton Beach, Amelia Island and Jacksonville.

Cigars provided for all Palm Beach events are imported from the Dominican Republic with no sacrifice to quality.Your cigar roller rolls cigars that are started in the "fabrica" in Santiago, D.R. then, at your event, the cigars are finished with the Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf in front of your guests for the aesthetic experience you are seeking.

Cigar waitresses match Palm Beach events perfectly

Cigar servers will float the room and serve guests cigars and are a great complement to your cigar roller feature. You're cigar server will float the room in a visually pleasant way and serve your guests cigars while having a cigar menu and answering questions about the cigar she or he is serving. Custom cigar bands are also attached to each cigar and designed specifically for your event.

Cigar roller Palm Beach Breakers golf outing


Mon - Thurs, 10am - 7pm 

Fri - Sun, 10am - 2pm, 

Note: phones may be closed for scheduled cigar roller events. You will be given the direct cell phone of your area manager for real-time contact during these hours, (561)542-4933

Cigar roller phone for Palm Beach and Florida events